In the palm of your hand!
Anyone over a certain age probably remembers those old Tiger Electronics games. They were simple little LCD games that often had some sort of license, and, most importantly, they were cheap. The games, which clearly took cues from Nintendo’s Game & Watch series, rarely cost more than $7, plus the cost of two AA batteries. And, even after the release of actual portables like the Game Boy, chances were this was still the most common portable game you had as a kid. Sure, they kind of sucked, but there’s a certain soft nostalgia you wound up having for the things.
And that’s what Hasbro is banking on, here. A while back, Bandai Namco released a revival of the Tamagotchi line, and it seems Hasbro’s Tiger LCD line is next. They plan on releasing 4 games: The Little Mermaid, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Transformers: Generation 2, and X-Men Project X. All 4 are currently on pre-order at GameStop for $14.99 a piece*. They won’t, necessarily, be exactly the same as their original versions; according to Hasbro, they’ll be more “inspired by” than a direct 1:1 rerelease. But they do look accurate to the originals; I remember having the Sonic ones back in the day.
*Batteries not included
That all said, I’d doubt kids today are going to care, and Hasbro probably knows that going in. These are being made for the nostalgic collector that just wants to experience these things one last time before accidentally slitting their wrist open with that razor-sharp packaging.
Source: Engadget
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